Our Program

Activities We Offer

Red Arrow Camp has something for everyone. Over the course of the summer, campers have the opportunity to participate in eight activities during each two-week block. Campers can practice their favorite sports, cross-train in our weights and fitness programs, or learn something new — like riflery, archery, sailing, woodworking, or water skiing!

Quality Instruction & Coaching

Many young athletes look for summer camps that will build their skills and prepare them for the upcoming athletic season. At Red Arrow, we’re able to offer instruction that exceeds the quality found at short-term specialty camps. How? Over the course of seven weeks, our instructors truly get to know our campers’ abilities, building on their strengths and improving their weaknesses. Instead of bouncing around from one program and coach to the next, our campers work with consistent, highly qualified instructors over the course of the summer.

Every day, our campers are challenged to grow and improve. By the end of the summer, they’ve made significant strides in skill, strength, and ability.

The Awards System

Our emblem system plays a key role in the Red Arrow Camp experience. Emblems represent a camper’s achievement in a particular area and are displayed on his RAC scarf, which he places on his bunk during the summer.


A Red Arrow camper may choose to participate in an activity just for fun, or he can work toward earning an activity emblem. Our campers take enormous pride in their emblems, which symbolize tremendous hard work and success in setting and reaching a goal.


After campers earn emblems, they can then earn yellow stars to indicate advancement to a higher level in a particular activity. Campers earn a blue star for their swim emblem when they complete the “Island Swim” and a red star when they swim to the island and back. They also receive a red star for each year they return to Red Arrow.


In addition to activity emblems, campers can also earn honor emblems: Inspection, Sunshine, and Best Tripper.


Character Awards

In addition to activity emblems, campers have the opportunity to earn four non-activity emblems central to our mission of nurturing “great boys”: the Best Tripper emblem, Inspection emblem, and Sunshine emblem. Campers are considered for the fourth emblem — the Honor Camper emblem — when they’ve earned the three aforementioned non-activity emblems. These awards reward a boy who successfully displays the following virtues we hold at Red Arrow:


Courage – the camper has displayed an effort to be courageous in trying new things without fear of judgment from others.

Discipline – the camper has displayed a sense of self-discipline and self-reliance that is appropriate for his age. He is taking care of himself properly with hygiene, cleanliness, and character. 

Justice – There is a display of selflessness and compassion for others. This camper is honest, friendly, and courteous with himself and others.

Growth – This camper shows an effort to use his time at camp wisely. He’s shown a willingness to grow in areas of struggle and respond with improved behavior if challenged to do so by any staff member in the case of a teachable moment. 

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