Meet Our Staff For 2024!

Cabin Placements


Cabin B


Bowen Snell

Hi, I’m Bowen! I’m 22 and come from the Seattle area. It’s my second year as a counselor and I’ve been eagerly awaiting the start of camp since we said goodbye last year. Since then I’ve traveled abroad and worked in an elementary school back home. At camp I’m mainly stationed at the Rifle Range but most days you can also find me taking a group of boys for a run in a Fitness or Track class. This really is the best place to spend a summer—I can’t wait to see you all and embark on our great adventure!


Santiago Fuentes

Hi, my name is Santi Fuentes! This is my first year here at Red Arrow and I am very excited to be in Cabin B. I can't wait to spend time with all the boys here this summer. I'm looking forward to the trips, teaching classes and all the fun we have here at camp.

Cabin C


Gus Jochmann

My name is Gus Jochmann. I am a senior at University School of Milwakee. I love to hike, waterski, play lacrosse, and pretty much any other sport. I am so excited share some of my knowledge of the outdoors with the boys.


Lorenzo Velazquez

Hi ! I am Lorenzo I come from Mérida, México. I’m grateful to spend another summer at Red Arrow. This is my 6th year here. I’m 20 years old and I’m currently studying finance and accounting. Here at Red Arrow I enjoyed swimming in the lake, trying new sports and trips ! I’ll be most likely out in the soccer field, teaching fitness, tennis, climbing, weights. I can’t wait to teach these boys my experience here as others did with me.

Cabin D


Parker Barton

Hi my name is Parker Barton and I was a 7 year camper, 1 year stable boy and this is my first year as a counselor. I just finished my freshmen year at the University of Kentucky and I am majoring in mathematical economics. I will be teaching baseball, football, horseback riding, basketball and nature. I’ve always wanted to be a counselor and I’m stocked for the boys to get to camp.


JoPa Guerra

Howdy! My name is Patricio “JoPa” Guerra, I am a second year counselor at RAC. I am currently a sophomore at Texas A&M University majoring in Agricultural Engineering. This year I will be teaching Boardsail, Sail, Soccer, Bike, Trap, Swim, and Tennis. I am looking forward to meeting the campers and making this the best summer of our lives.

Cabin E


Tyler Kucera

Hello everyone! My name’s Tyler and I’m super excited to be Cabin E’s counselor alongside Francisco! I’m 18 years and old and I’m from Jackson Wyoming. I’m looking forward to working with all the boys and making this summer one to remember! At camp I’ll be teaching Lacrosse, Ride, and Ski. Can’t wait for the summer!


Francisco Sterling

Hi, I'm Francisco Sterling, I'm from Yucatan, Mexico. Im 20 years old and i like the outdoors activities, I like to play basketball, mountain biking and I love water sports too. I like to work with the kids and having a good time, learning from each other. I'm so happy to be a Counselor at RAC, this is my first year and its gonna be a great summer for all of us

Cabin F


Thomas Grady

My name is Thomas Grady and this is my eighth summer at Red Arrow. In the fall, I will be going into my senior year at The University of Alabama, where I am studying marketing. This summer I will be teaching your boys the beauty of nature and the importance of track.


Alvaro Pons

Hello! I’m Alvaro Pons, I am from Mexico City and turn 19 this summer. I am currently studying Engineering and love being back at camp for my 7th year. This will be my first year as a counselor but with previous staff experience I am ready to make this a great summer for the boys and give them a real RAC experience. I will be teaching sailing, trap, riflery and ski

Cabin G


Hayden Barton

Hi my name is Hayden Barton, I am 21 years old and this is my third summer as a Red Arrow counselor. I spent five summers as a camper at Red Arrow and I am a senior at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). I mainly teach archery, basketball, sail, and football. Red Arrow is a very special place for me and want the boys to feel the same way by the end of the summer. I am beyond excited to have your boys spend a summer with us and can't wait until the summer begins!


Emilio Velazquez

My name is Emilio Velazquez, and I am excited to be a Counselor at Red Arrow this summer. I am from Mexico and spent five fantastic years as a camper here, so Red Arrow is a special place for me. This is my first year as a Counselor, and I will be teaching soccer, fitness, tennis, climbing, and biking. I am 19 years old and currently in my second year of college at Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, studying industrial engineering.

Cabin H


Noah Gurule

Hello everyone my name is Noah Gurule and this my first year as a counselor and my eighth year at camp! I am currently studying Business Administration at the University of New Mexico.


Ronan Hagar

Hi! My name is Ronan. This is my fifth year on staff, and I'm so excited to be back! At camp, sailing is my program. I graduated with a degree in psychology and currently teach skiing and snowboarding over the winter!



Kevin Carlson

Hello all, My name is Kevin Carlson, but I have many nicknames that you could call me if you would like. It is my second year on staff and 5th year at camp. I am currently pursuing the life long dream of being a struggling artist. I am excited for the kids to show up and for the giggle fest to start.


Diego Rodriguez

My name is Diego Rodriguez, I was a 3 year camper a cookie and I’m a fourth year Counselor. I study finance at ITAM in Mexico City and I’m extremely passionate about tennis. Im really excited to see the boys from last summer and meet the new campers too.



George Mayher

Hello I’m George Mayher, I am 22 years old and from Moorestown, New Jersey. I am currently studying at the University of Denver and am double majoring in economics and history with the intentions of going to law school. I was a seven year camper at Red Arrow from 2011-2017 and a cookie in 2018. At Red Arrow I will be teaching lax and sail among many different classes. I fell in love with Red Arrow for so many different reasons but most of all I loved the brotherhood I felt when I was at Red Arrow. I’m so excited for this summer to be able to give the experience my counselors gave me which made me grow as a person and have the best summers of my life.


Kyle Varela

Hi! I'm Kyle. I am a Florida State University graduate and will be applying to medical schools this year. I am aspiring to become a pediatrician. I can't wait to be back for another summer at Red Arrow.



Jack Chione

Hi! My name is Jack Chione. I will be a senior at UW-Madison in the fall studying economics and personal finance. This will be my 3rd summer as a counselor and my 10th summer at camp overall. You will find me on the ski boat or at the basketball court most of the time. I am pumped to be back for another summer on Trout Lake and can’t wait to grow with the boys here at RAC!


Sam Susina

Hello my name is Sam Susina. I am from St. Louis, Missouri. I am excited to be back for my 8th year and to have another amazing summer. I am especially looking forward to hiking the Isle Royale again. I did some hiking on the Appalachian Trail this spring and the year prior I spent volunteering in Senegal. I will be instructing Mountain Bike, Wrestling and Basketball.



Will Kucera

Hi everyone. My name is Will Kucera and I’m 21 years old. I’m from Jackson, Wyoming and I’m an English major at Colgate University. This is my sixth summer at camp (4th on staff) and I’m beyond excited to continue to teach Waterskiing and Lacrosse! I love RAC because every single day here is a unique experience. Whether I’m trotting on a horse, playing guitar in Chapel, or leading a canoe trip, I’m always eager to jump out of bed in the morning and see what the day holds. I cannot wait for summer 2024 - it’ll be one for the books!


Sam Davis

Explorer of good vibrations and pure exultations, Sam was born in the foot hills of the smoky mountains (Charlotte NC). While he was raised with a southern aptitude, his 5 summers in the north woods molded him into the man he is today. Seeking the meaning of life and yearning for adventure, he headed west to study Creative Writing at Colorado College. Now a year removed from college, he travels the world in search of something bigger than himself.

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