

  1. Two signup sessions
  2. Know and practice proper form in all exercises and lifts utilized in class.
  3. Name major muscles of the anatomy used in class.
  4. Practice all safety precautions used in exercises and lifts.
  5. Show improvements mentally and physically.
  6. Demonstrate proper stretching of the major muscles.


  1. Two signup sessions.
  2. Complete all beginner weight emblem requirements.
  3. List muscles used in all major lifts.
  4. Demonstrate working knowledge of the following terms:
    1. Flexion, extension, rotation, internal rotation, external rotation, concentric contraction, and eccentric contraction.
  5. Demonstrate working knowledge of the following anatomical points:
    1. Anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, superior, inferior, proximal, distal
  6. Practice all safety precautions used in exercises and lifts.
  7. Show improvements mentally and physically.
  8. Demonstrate and name major muscles stretched during proper stretching.


  1. Two signup sessions.
  2. Complete beginner and intermediate emblem requirements.
  3. Demonstrate working knowledge of muscle function.
  4. Demonstrate working knowledge of additional terms:

5. Show working knowledge of reciprocal inhibition and reset principles.

6. Develop and use an individual chart for class activities.

7. Demonstrate and name the anatomical muscles during proper stretching.

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