- Know all of the stable’s safety rules (dos and don’ts)
- Demonstrate knowledge of a horse’s three gaits (walk, trot, and canter)
- Spend one hour participating in stable work and management
- Demonstrate knowledge of parts of a bridle and saddle; soap and oil a bridle and saddle correctly
- Know parts of horse and how to groom a horse properly
- Lead a horse and adjust stirrups (from ground) properly
- Properly mount and dismount
- Use natural aids properly when riding a horse (engage/disengage)
- Demonstrate proper form and control while seated on a horse at a walk
- Trail ride properly
- Complete all aforementioned beginner requirements
- Identify different bits and their purposes
- Halter, bridle and saddle a horse
- Use proper position and aids on a horse at a walk
- Demonstrate proper posting seat and control at a trot
- Demonstrate horsemanship skills and control in the ring.
- Demonstrate secure seat and skills while trail riding.
- Complete all beginner and intermediate requirements
- Demonstrate knowledge of different breeds of horses
- Demonstrate proper care of a horse (feed, groom, pick hooves, tack/untack, provide first aid)
- Demonstrate safe and proper stirrup adjustment while mounted
- Demonstrate proper form and control bareback (post and trot)
- Demonstrate proper form and control at a canter (proper leads)
- Demonstrate proper form and control over cavaletti and jump (use of two-point contact)
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